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Mosaic Records- Jazz artists Jazz music. Expert insights and analysiThe great jazz artists from Louis Armstrong to John Coltrane. Critically acclaimed writing from over 150 limited edition jazz sets more...
Mosaic Box Sets - Mosaic Records - Home for Jazz fans!Sorry, this product is unavailable. Please choose a different combination.
Jazz Music: Essential Jazz Albums Historic Sessions-Mosaic RecordsExpert jazz music picks, description and sample audio: Duke Ellington, Lester Young, John Coltrane, Big Band, Swing, BeBop, and more...
35 Extraordinary Jazz Artists: Jazz Legends Overlooked Jazz MusicianJazz artists brought to life by some of the greatest jazz writers. Exclusive content - Mosaic Records
Django Reinhardt: Expert insights of artist recordings - Mosaic RecoDjango Reinhardt’s had the ability to riff with abandon without compromising expressiveness. Left an indelible mark on Jazz.
Coleman Hawkins Seduces or Arouses The Listener - Dan MorgensternColeman Hawkins single-handedly created the idiom for the jazz tenor saxophone. Feature analysis of Body Soul and more...- Mosaic Record
Bix Beiderbecke: Expert insights into this great jazz artist - MosaicBy the late twenties Bix Beiderbecke had ushered in a striking new approach to the jazz solo concept by making it cool.
Louis Armstrong: Expert insights of the artist albums - Mosaic RecorThere is not a single musician playing in the jazz tradition who does not make daily use, of something invented by Louis Armstrong.
Lester Young: Remarkable Ability To Transmit Beauty. A Musical GiantLester Young brilliant jazz soloist. Historic Count Basie and Billie Holiday sessions. Critically acclaimed jazz writers. - Mosaic Records
Cart - Mosaic Records - Home for Jazz fans!Sorry, this product is unavailable. Please choose a different combination.
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